My first GameJam submission for GameDev.Tv GameJam

Use w, a, s, d or the arrows to move and the space to jump.

Song: Taranis by Metre, no modification, Song URL, License

Source: GameSource


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Nice game, but oof it's a harsh mistress :)

I got 12 points - got to the third level and thought 'Wow THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY' - was like a repressed nightmare memory from my 80s commodore 64 pixel perfect platformer days. Got to level 4 without any deaths, but used up too many lives figuring out I need to jump onto the little platform on its upswing.

I'd like to see the rest of the game, but I'm not sure my heart can take it. Do you reckon you could add more lives or add a continue system with some form of 'punishment' like losing all coins?


Hey this game is nice, but man... you ramp up the difficulty very very soon. The jump seems too weak in my opinion... unless I missed a trick? No double jump, or jumping off vertical walls? 

Nice music too

(1 edit)

Like the game! Found a couple of speed run strats which helped me get past some of the hardest part. Platforming section were quite hard at time, might be beneficial tweak your collides a little. 


Nice game. Second lvl is pretty hard tho. GL with your project. I like it